Adding Your First Flight to the AvionLog Pilot Logbook App

Life in the cockpit can be very busy and being able to enter flights in your logbook app quickly and efficiently is vital. Notice a useful design philosophy of AvionLog, you will stay on the flights' page at all times while you add new people, aircraft and airfields. There’s no need to navigate away at any time to complete a flight entry.

In this video we we explore how to add a new flight to the AvionLog pilot logbook app. We explore how to quickly add new people, aircraft registrations, linking a registration to a type and introduce you to a few of the settings. We also look at some of the fast flight logging features like ‘Return Flight’ and ‘Flight Number Recognition’.

Fast & Smooth Flight Entry

When you first open the app you’ll be on the ‘Flights’ page. Tapping the + button next to the flight’s list will open a new window with a flight. The date is defaulted to today but can be changed.

Flight Number Recognition

Using the optional flight numbers field allows AvionLog to look back at the last time you used that flight number. It matches the ‘to’ and ‘from’ airfields used previously and offers you the choice to fill those airfields in on this flight. If the flight is new AvionLog won’t show any choices.

A/C Registration

Type an aircraft registration and if you’ve already used it tap it in the drop-down menu. It’s useful to know that if you’ve already entered a registration you don’t have to type the whole thing again, let’s say you flew an aircraft with the registration A-BCDE, by typing DE it will show up in the drop-down menu.


If a registration is a new one, tap on 'Add New Registration:' This will bring up another pop-up for you to tell AvionLog about that aircraft.


When entering your from and to airfields you can search for airfields based on 3 letter IATA and 4 letter ICAO codes or the name of the airfield. If you want to create a new airfield, type the name of your choice and click ‘Add new Airport’ in the dropdown box.


Here we add the people flying the aircraft. The format is either just ‘last name’ or ‘first and last name’ then click ‘Add New Person’. If they already exist, tap on their name.

Adding a new person

When adding a new person a window will open over the flight’s page where you can choose several settings. Toggle switches let you tell the app if it’s you, making someone you fly with regularly a ‘favorite’, and offer you several text entry fields. Enter as much or as little data as you want. Adding a staff number can be useful as this field can also be searched for when adding a flight. Setting someone, including yourself, as a default PIC or SIC will cause that person to be auto-filled in the appropriate field every time you add a flight.

Is Pilot Flying, Takeoffs and Landing

This switch enables AvionLog to recognise whether you're the pilot flying to enable auto filling of the day and night takeoffs and landings. Adjust the takeoffs and landings with the + and - switches next to each field.

Time Entries

Now log your flight times. You can always enter in UTC and if the airfield has a timezone associated with it you can also enter in local times.

Flight Times

Now your flight is complete, your times have been entered and your Total Time, PIC/SIC and Night have auto filled. Any other time fields you want filled can be done manually or by pushing the + button next to the time field.

Customizing Your Flights Entries

AvionLog is completely customizable. The formats, themes and flight logging entries are all in Settings and General.

Settings > Display > General: for things like name and date formats, distance units and to show yourself as 'SELF'.

Settings > Display > Flight Editing Fields and Order: to select and deselect the things you want your logbook app to log and and by tapping and holding the three horizontal lines on the right you can re-order the entry fields.